It's now or never

[스크랩] Live is life 2008 - Opus(2008) 본문

좋아하는거.../Music Video

[스크랩] Live is life 2008 - Opus(2008)

INHO KIM 2008. 6. 23. 14:09

 Live is life 2008

La la la la la La la la la la [all together now]
La la la la la La la la la la
Live, la la la la la
Live is life La la la la la

Let us all talk about life
La la la la la Live La la la la la
When we all get the power
We all give the best
Every minute of an hour
Don't think about the rest
And you all get the power

You all get the best
And everone gives everything
And every song..everybody sings
Repeat chorus [Live is life...lalalalala]

And we all feel the power
Live is life
C'mon stand up and dance
Live is life
Grab the feeling of the people
LIve is life
It's the feeling of the best
When we all get the power....etc.

And it's life Live is life
Live is life  Live lalalaas
Live Live is life
And when all it is over {?}
You all did your best
Every minute of the future

Is a memory of the best
Cause we all gave the power
We all gave the best
And everyone gave everything
And every song everybody sang.
Live is life.

출처 : What a wacky world!
글쓴이 : 구루마 원글보기
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